Сюжет: In developing countries, with high poverty and poor schooling opportunities, child labour is still prevalent. In 2010, sub-saharan Africa had the highest incidence rates of child labour, with several African nations witnessing over 50 percent of children aged 5–14 working. Worldwide agriculture is the largest employer of child labour.
Жанр: Репортаж BBC
Уровень:pre-intermediate (7-11 классы)
Компоненты:Student's handout; Techer's copy (keys, new words); video clips;
Сюжет: С 1993 Бережная выступала в паре с Олегом Шляховым за Латвию. В 1996 на тренировке во время исполнения вращения партнёр коньком попал ей по голове — была пробита височная кость, осколки повредили оболочку мозга. Бережная перенесла две нейрохирургические операции, после которых заново училась не только ходить, но и говорить, читать. Заново училась катанию уже с новым партнёром — Антоном Сихарулидзе, который поддерживал её весь послеоперационный период.
Уровень:pre-intermediate (6-9 классы)
Компоненты:Student's handout; Techer's copy (keys, new words); video clips;
Сюжет: Swissmetro was a futuristic Swiss national transportation project using vactrain technology that went into liquidation in November 2009 because of a lack of support.
Жанр: документальный фильм
Уровень: intermediate (8-10 классы)
Компоненты: Student's handout; Teacher's copy ; video clips;
Сюжет: Global warming is the rise in the average temperature of Earth's atmosphere and oceans since the late 19th century and its projected continuation.
Жанр: Документальный фильм (National Geographic)
Уровень:pre-intermediate (8-11 классы)
Компоненты:Student's handout; Techer's copy (keys, new words); video clips;
Сюжет: Magician of the millennium and a great entertainer, David Copperfield is the most commercially successful magician in the show history. Whether it was vanishing the Statue of Liberty, walking through the Great Wall of China or establishing the cause "Project Magic”, the great American illusionist has been a living legend and a huge crowd puller of all times. The tenth highest paid celebrity in the world is undoubtedly one of the wealthiest men in US. His spectacular illusion and artistry entertained crowd with unabashed amazement.
Жанр:документальный фильм (биография)
Уровень:pre-intermediate (6-10 классы)
Компоненты:Student's handout; Techer's copy (keys, new words); video clips;